- Baptism — find out about believer’s baptism
- Dedication — find out about this special service for young children
- Marriage — find out more about Christian marriage
- Funerals — find out how we can help during this distressing time
- Special Services — find out more about holding a celebration or remembrance service before God
Believers’ Baptism
“Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:37-38)
Following the example of Jesus, his command in Matthew 28, and the practice of the early Church, Baptists recognise the call for all who turn to Christ to make a public declaration of their faith and be baptised by full immersion. As this requires a conscious choice, you will find we don’t baptise babies or infants (see Dedication). We have a pool in the church building and are very happy to open it as often as possible!
Baptisms take place within our normal weekly Sunday worship. They also serve as a great opportunity to witness to friends and family. To explore baptism further, please speak to Kevin.
Instead of infant baptism we offer a service of dedication. This is held as part of our normal weekly Sunday worship, enabling the parents to publicly give thanks to God for the gift of new life, committing before God and others to bring up this child under the guidance and teaching of the Lord, and asking for the Lord’s help in carrying out their calling as parents. The congregation also joins you in committing to love, care for and pray for you and your child, recognising the key role others can have as part of the church family.
Children can be dedicated at any age, so if you’re new to faith with slightly older children, or something like a pandemic got in the way(!), that’s ok—let’s talk. To explore dedication, please speak to Kevin.