DEEPER is an annual three-evening conference held in the spring each year. It aims to offer high quality evangelical preaching by inviting conference speakers who share our passion to ‘thoroughly equip’ God’s people today. Read more…
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Deeper 2025
To be announced…
APR 2024: If Jesus Lived Your Life… Embracing Whole-life Discipleship (Rev Ken Benjamin)
Click here to find the slides from each evening.
To donate in thanks for Deeper 2024 to the work of LICC click here
MAR 2023: Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Read? (Rev Dr Helen Paynter)
Click here to find the slides from each evening.
SEP 2021: A Family Crisis, A Family Solution (Andy Castle)
“Before the pandemic, 98% of children and young people were not connected to a local church—now it’s even more desperate. Why are we getting it so wrong when it comes to reaching and discipling the next generation and how can we change this following this pandemic?” Click below to listen to Andy’s reflections from Matthew’s gospel. To select another session, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner of the video. Click here to find the session notes.
MAR 2021: PHILEMON: Freedom Through Forgiving (Dr John Andrews)
“Forgiveness is one of the greatest challenges in any culture…but if we can embrace forgiveness, freedom awaits!“ Click below to listen to one John’s six talks. To select another session, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner of the video. Click here to find the session notes.
Click here to find audio recordings pre-2020 (select TOPICS).
What is Deeper?
DEEPER is an annual three-evening conference held in the spring each year. It aims to offer high quality evangelical preaching by inviting conference speakers who share our passion to ‘thoroughly equip’ God’s people today.
Deeper is delighted to be a member of the Keswick Fellowship
Each year we invite a guest speaker to take us deeper into God’s Word, either by focusing on a topic, a doctrine or specific section of the Bible. A list of previous speakers can be found below.
Running this event over three consecutive nights enables us to engage with the Bible in a slightly different way than our Sunday teaching allows. The longer time frame hopefully also helps all who hear bed deeper roots as we seek to grow as followers of Jesus.
what shape DOES THE event take?
Each evening starts at 7.30pm with a time of prayer and sung worship. This is followed by two sessions of teaching (30-40 mins each) with a short refreshment break in the middle — this hopefully gives you some time to process what you’ve heard and perhaps note down some questions for our speaker. Some speakers also provide notes you can download; recordings of the event are often available, subject to the speaker’s wishes. Click here to find audio recordings pre-2020 (select TOPICS).
Whilst we aim to dig deeper into God’s Word and take it seriously, we do not want to do this for the sole purpose of head knowledge—transformation of our hearts and hands is just as important. So we have three aims:
1. To help grow followers of Jesus: rooted in the teaching of God’s Word (head), allowing the Spirit to transform us (hearts) to live this out wherever we go and in whatever we do (hands);
2. To bless the local Christian community with a free, quality, discipleship event;
3. To enable more people to gain access to God’s word by supporting the work of Bible translators.
If you work the words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter
Luke 6:48 (The Message)
who dug deep and laid the foundation of his house on bedrock.
Apr 2024 Ken Benjamin Director of Church Relations, LICC
If Jesus Lived Your Life… — Exploring whole-life discipleship
Mar 2023 Dr Revd Helen Paynter Director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence (Bristol Baptist College), Author
Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Read: Discovering God’s goodness in three thorny issues in Scripture
Mar 2022 Cancelled due to the speaker being unwell
Sept 2021 Andy Castle Thrive Youth Ministries [Deeper Extra]
A Family Crisis, A Family Solution
Mar 2021 Dr John Andrews Apostolic Team of One Church, Author
Freedom Through Forgiving: Studies in Philemon
Mar 2020 Cancelled due to Covid-19
Mar 2019 Derek Burnside Principal of Capernwray Hall Bible School
Keeping in step with the Spirit: Studies in the third person of the Trinity
Mar 2018 Richard Powney and Gavin Calver Evangelical Alliance
Making Jesus Known: Insights from Acts
Mar 2017 Richard Briggs Lec in OT and Dir. of Bib Stud in Cramner Hall
Daniel and 21st Century Discipleship
Mar 2016 Stephen Gaukroger former Dir. of Clarion Trust Int., Author
Snatching Victory from the Jaws of defeat: Studies in Jude
Sept 2015 Sharon Dirckx & Tanya Walker Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics [Deeper’s 10th Anniversary celebration]
If God exists then why is there so much suffering? How can I know?
Feb 2015 Ian Coffey Former Dir. of Saltmine/EA, VP at Moorlands, Author
Postcards From the Edge: Finding God in hard places
Mar 2014 Mike Reeves Author, Theologian-at-large at Wales Evangelical School of Theology
The Trinity: Enjoying Father, Son and Spirit
Mar 2013 Ian Coffey Former Dir. of Saltmine/EA, VP at Moorlands, Author
Back to the Future: Exploring book of Acts
Sep 2012 Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali Former General Secretary of CMS, Bishop of Rochester
Christian Confidence in a Secular World [5th Anniversary celebration]
Mar 2012 Krish Kandiah Author, Exec Director in Mission for the EA
Paradoxology: Worshipping the God we don’t always understand
Mar 2011 Jonathan Lamb Author, Director of Langham Preaching
From ‘Why?’ to Worship – Learning from Habakkuk’s journey to faith
Mar 2010 Peter Lewis Minister at Cornerstone Church, Nottingham
The Big Issues (Eph. 1)
Mar 2009 Derek Tidball Principal of LST, former Chair of EA Council
Restoring God’s Masterpiece: Holiness Revisited
Feb 2008 Steve Brady Principal of Moorlands College
Spirit Empowered Living: Practical faith for everyday life (Eph. 5 & 6)
Feb 2007 Glen Marshall Tutor at Northern Baptist College
Christ Over All – Studies in Colossians
Feb 2006 Michael Ramsden European Director of The Zacharias Trust