If you’ve new to our groups, please complete a consent form for each child: https://warwickbaptists.churchsuite.com/forms/7tac0g6y
Welcome to our page for all things Children’s Work. We run two groups on a Sunday morning for primary aged children — Ground Breakers (ages 2.5 to Year 1) and XStream (Y2-6). We also have an unmanned creché which those with babies can use (with a live feed so you can still hear and see the service).
Throughout the year we have a couple of events happening, including encouraging families on the Woodloes to attend Messy Church each month, and we take a group to Thrive Juniors — when all local primary aged children are invited to worship together. Our pastor is also a regular visitor Coten End Primary School in support of their work.
If you have Secondary School aged children, please visit here.
Good News
This is a video of Molly doing the actions with the track playing in the background (this is what I’ll need you to do so I can align all the footage). Do think about what you’re wearing and where you film (our video is not an ideal example!).
If you can, set your camera/phone on a stand/fixed position to make filming more stable. You can always make a stand by cutting a tight slit in a cardboard (e.g., tea box) and then sliding it in, straightening it with some folded paper and then put it on a table with a pile of books lifting it up high! You should see some of the inventive ways I’ve had to film for our Sunday Gathering! Finally, do warn others you’re filming so no one comes in whilst you’re in action – that can be frustrating!
Away In A Manger
This video explains how we set up the recording. Don’t forget to find a nice place to film yourself and to wear something festive. Also warn others you’re filming so no one comes in whilst you’re in action – that can be frustrating!
Below is the second version of Molly’s film (to show you what we want to receive). Don’t forget to take a couple of practises, work on any little corners that are tricky (you sing and get them to sing back, build it up bit by bit), and encourage big breathes to help sing confidently. Watch out for the tricky bit at the end of v2 and v3 line six.
REALLY IMPORTANT: Don’t worry about little mistakes – just keep them going as we can mix and match from all the versions if it really goes array!
Christmas Stars
We’d love you help in creating a display at church. We need your help by making stars. You can decorate them however you want but you do need to use BOLD colours as people will be looking from the street. Clare has done a video below to help you get started… You should have also received an email explaining what to do once you’ve made them. HAVE FUN!
Virtual Sunday School
For those looking for something different for their children to engage with, Kerry came across this at Spring Harvest. It looks fab! Their first episode is below, or you can jump to their channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMu2bG8L2dp7ywUZVa9uXDA
Mazin’ Miracles
Some short videos by Reach Online. The link is to the collection; there is also a sample below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJUH9gQmkWmLLgvVItXVixg/search?query=mazin
School Resources
Looking for some help with homeschooling during Covid-19. There are lots of useful resources on Hoole Baptist Church, Chester’s website. Thanks Kerry for passing this on.
Talking about Coronavirus
About Coronavirus Children’s illustrator Axel Scheffler has worked with doctors, psychologists and teachers to create a new book for children about the Coronavirus. It might help explain these strange times we’re living in to little ones, with some nice tips about how they can help and what to do if they’re feeling worried. https://nosycrow.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Coronavirus_INS.pdf
Colouring prayers for when you’re anxious: https://cofeportsmouth.contentfiles.net/media/assets/file/Ilustrated_Ministry_colouring_pages.pdf
Thinking about Jesus
Together @ Home This site has lots of resources to help engage with Bible passages in interactive ways https://www.tath.co.uk
Good Friday Activities Some of you would normally go to St Nick’s on Good Friday and take part in their interactive worship. As this can’t happen, Anita has kindly sent the activities to us. Enjoy!
Jesus Being Brave (3 videos)
Who might have inspired Jesus to be brave during Holy Week? Why not join Clare, Keira, Laila and Mat as they think about this…
Reflections on Elijah (video 11 mins, 08/04/20)
Reflections on David (video 8 mins, 09/04/20)
Reflections on Daniel (video 9 mins, 10/04/20)