A space just to come and ‘be’
— a home from home.
Open from 12.30-3.30pm each Monday, we’ve got various things on offer to make it feel like home — games, knitting, jigsaws, books, wifi, food, drinks… But if this is not your think, you’re also welcome to bring your own stuff or just chat with those you meet. We’re really a friendly bunch!
Drop in for a bit or stay the whole time. If you’re in need of support or advice, let us know and we can help signpost you to a number of charities and organisations we’re aware of.
All are welcome — old and young (though children are their parent’s responsibility at all times). Help us shape this into a useful community space.
Cost: free
This group is coordinated by Kevin Johnson.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
If you find this space useful, do explore at the other activities we offer each month under our Community Life tab.