Being a prayerful people is a core value of our community.
We want folks of all ages to find ways of growing in relationship with Jesus because of their love for him. However, we don’t pray because we believe in the power of prayer; it’s because we believe and trust in the power of the One we pray to:
…God the Father — who is all good, faithful, just, almighty — so we ask for his help and wisdom in all we face, and offer praise to him;
…God the Son — who gave his life for us and who is our first-love, Lord and Saviour — so we want to talk to him and listen to him and learn to be more like him;
…God the Spirit — who is always with us and working in us — so we seek to listen and ask for his prompting and guidance, and seek his help in better understanding God’s word.
Below is a list of ways you can join with us in prayer. Click the group titles to find out more information.
House Groups — these offer prayer support to those linked directly and indirectly with their groups.
Prayer Link — our online prayer chain. Anyone can send a request to this. You can also become part of this group of prayer warriors.
Morning Prayers — our weekly time of prayer, both in person at the main church building and on Zoom (Thursdays, 9.40-10.25am)
Sunday Worship — In person and on Zoom (Sundays, 10.30am). Regular prayers are led during our times of worship. You can watch again on YouTube.
Prayer Ministry — After our Sunday morning worship, we have a team of people willing to pray with you about any matter on your heart.
Prayer & Fasting — Each month we set one day aside to pray and fast together as a church family. The day varies and these are advertised in advance. Various specific and general resources can be found to help with these times.
Private prayer — Should you wish to meet with our Pastor, or a female leader, for further prayer over personal matters, seeking support in discernment, or in need of prayer for healing, please use our contact page or chat with our Pastor to make arrangements.
CTW Prayer Breakfast — an ecumenical gathering hosted and led by different churches each month. See our CHBC News for the latest location (First Saturday, 8am) (CTW = Churches Together in Warwick)
Morning Prayers
Every Thursday morning between 9.40-10.25am a number in our church family intentionally set time aside to come before our Lord Jesus in prayer. Each week we seek to offer him thanks and intercessions, for one another, and for local, national and world issues.
We generally start with a short reflection on God’s word, helping us fix our eyes on Jesus, before spending around 30 minutes in prayer.
This is a hybrid meeting with some meeting in the lounge at CHBC, others joining on Zoom.
Prayer Link
Should you have a prayer request — please send it to Joyce and Lindsey using They will share this amongst those who have committed to pray. All requests will be treated as confidential unless you clearly indicate it can be ‘public’.
If you want to join our Prayer Link as a prayer warrior — please email Joyce and Lindsey using They will send you a simple set of guidelines and, if you agree to them, you’ll become part of the team.
If you’d prefer to receive these messages by phone, we also have a system for this. Please indicate that in your message and pass on your contact number.
Prayer ministry
Our team are available most Sundays and sit in our prayer space (near the dove artwork) at the end of our Sunday worship. To receive prayer, just go across and share what’s on your heart—whether spiritual, physical, mental or emotional—no matter how big or small. (If the team is busy, just grab a drink or take a seat near by and go across when you notice there’s space.) Having listened, they will then pray with you, listening for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to do His work. All is kept confidential unless a safeguarding matter is disclosed.