Our Beliefs & Ethos

Our Beliefs & Ethos

As Baptists, we are evangelical, which means that we hold to the traditional teaching of the Church, focussing on God’s love for all, shown to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We encourage everybody to respond personally to God’s offer of forgiveness and a new start, made possible by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, and received through faith. Because of this amazing act of grace and mercy, we believe that we should respond by living lives worthy of God. As we partner with his Spirit, we invite God to transform the whole of our lives — our lifestyles, our thoughts, our attitudes, our words, our desires and our relationships. This is a continual journey but one we gladly walk in response to his amazing love.

We believe the Bible to be God’s word to us. We therefore devote a large part of our time together studying it: to root ourselves in Christ, to grow in knowing God and applying his teachings to how we live for him in this world.

A distinctive feature of Baptist church life is the practice of believer’s baptism, when those who have come to faith are immersed in water as a sign of their new birth in Christ. This leads to church membership and the privilege of playing a part in the policy-making of the church.

We also recognise our responsibility to the wider church by partnering with a number of networks, charities, ministries and organisations—locally, nationally and internationally. We are a Fairtrade church, members of Churches Together in Warwick, as well as playing our part in the Heart of England Baptist Association, Baptists Together in the UK and supporting BMS World Mission. Each partnership seeks to bring hope, restoration and new life in the name of Jesus.

As a church community we are committed to creating a welcoming and safe environment for all to gather to worship, explore and grow up in the Christian faith. The nurturing of children, young people and families is important to us, as well as reaching new people for Christ. Our mission is: To grow followers of Jesus, who make followers, transforming lives with the good news of Jesus.

We also want to bless the local community through various ministries and Connect groupsMeet ‘n’ Eat being an examples of this—as well as making our buildings more available for those activities that align with our aims. Our vision is: to be a beacon of hope in Warwick and beyond.

We hope this gives you a flavour of life at Castle Hill Baptist Church. We’d love to connect with you through one of our gatherings and hope you will feel able to belonging to our family here.