Welcome friends old and new. We hope you’ll find in Castle Hill a warm and welcoming community who love Jesus and want to gather, in whatever form, to worship Him and spend time with one another. We use the language of family about ourselves as we think this best reflects the way we try to be — seeking to create an environment where we are considerate of one another (even when that’s not our preference!)
On Sundays, our church building is open from 10am for gathered worship (starting at 10:30am). We also stream these times live on Zoom and make them available on YouTube as soon as we can after.
Families are very welcome — we have groups for all ages of children and young people and encourage all to use their gifts in worship, as they feel able.
On the first Sunday of the month we hold a time of all-age worship — we feel it’s important to have times all together so we can learn from one another.
On the third Sunday we celebrate communion — all who seek to follow Jesus are welcome to take part (alcohol-free wine; gluten-free bread).
To learn more about our Sunday worship, keep reading.
Click here to find out about getting to CHBC and accessibility
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To join us via Zoom, please use our contact us form to request a code.
SUNDAY Worship
Morning worship: 10.30am-12pm
1st Sunday: All Age Worship
3rd Sunday: Communion
- All are welcome to come and worship
- We use a mixture of old and new songs
- There is no dress code; come as you feel comfortable
- We all worship together for the first part of our time before breaking into age appropriate groups: aged 2.5-Year 1 (Ground Breakers), Years 2-6 (XStream), Years 7-13 (AYP) — NB the younger two groups go to our church hall down the road – the leaders walk them down, responsible adults help with Y1 and under; leaders only will bring them back before the end of our worship. You are welcome to stay in those early weeks to see what happens.
NB Over Christmas/Easter/Summer holidays our children and young people’s groups stop to give our leaders a well-earned break! Children are still welcome on Sundays and some simple activities are provided for during the sermon.
- An unsupervised creché space is available for parents and their young children, with our worship relayed on a TV
- Prayer ministry and refreshments follow our worship
- Break-out rooms enable fellowship online
- Gathered worship generally lasts around 1h 30m
Covid awareness: anti-bac machines are placed around the building and masks are available in the entrance.
To watch any of our previous Sunday worship, visit our YouTube channel. We also have a selection of previous sermons on mp3.