Lent Reflections

Lent Reflections

Please use this page to share with one another any thoughts on the book we’re reading or your encounters with the Lord over Lent 2024.

What has struck you—a Bible verse? a song? poem? picture? a sense? an idea? Feel free to post in the comments by scrolling down so others can see. Feel free to reply to other posts but always with respect and encouragement.

If there are things that you found helpful or resources you’d appreciate, post about those too. Let’s support one another in this practice.


  1. Margaret Parkins

    My scripture passage yesterday was about Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and again in the Garden before his trial and crucifixion. There are those in our church who are mourning a loss and we know that the Lord is alongside us to share our tears.
    So we may remember Him this week and in a small way share His tears too.

  2. Margaret Parkins

    I wrote this morning that I was given the passage about Elijah and his hearing God in the quiet.
    As it was raining all morning we watched a recording of Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” and heard the words again. “O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for him—–” and B recalled singing with his father in the church choir “cast your burden on the Lord” bringing good memories for him.

  3. Carolyn Thomas

    Silence and solitude. What a beautiful thought. Drop thy still dews of quietness til all our strivings cease. Take from our souls the strain and stress. How much we need to seek for those times of refreshment.

    • Keeva

      Carolyn , I too was drawn back to this song this morning but was struck by an earlier verse in the song:
      O sabbath rest by Galilee!
      O calm of hills above,
      were Jesus knelt to share with thee
      the silence of eternity,
      interpreted by love,
      interpreted by love!
      A reminder that if Jesus needed this rest, how much more do we!

      Gentle Holy Spirit, You promise us peace, and holy rest, but so often we choose to fill our lives with noise and clutter. Forgive us, and grant us those sacred, timeless moments,
      of prayer and devotion.
      Let us find time for you.
      As the hymn continues
      With that deep hush subduing all
      thy words and works that drown
      the tender whisper of your call,
      as noiseless let thy blessing fall
      as fell thy manna down,
      as fell thy manna down.

    • Margaret Parkins

      My reading this morning tells me about Elijah and the need for quiet—
      After climbing the mountain, Elijah finally hears God. Not in the fire, nor the earthquake, nor in the wind, but – after waiting (or “tarrying”) till they have passed – in the most profound quiet.

  4. Keeva

    Posted on behalf of John Garrett.
    At the Lent prayer time on 05/03 John shared with us the song he’d written based on the verses suggested for today’s Pause and Pray.
    The lyrics are below but please listen to the song on CHBC webpage under John Garret – songs.

    Hustle and Bustle Praise!

    You take ordinary people,
    Broken in so many ways;
    Turning us into miracles of praise.
    You involve us in Your story
    In ways we can never know.
    Somehow bringing You glory, as we go.

    As we walk, You are always by our side.
    As we listen, You talk and guide.
    When we fail, You know what we mean to do;
    From our hearts set apart for You.

    With the devotion of Mary,
    Who loved to sit at Your feet.
    She was not worried, or wary,a
    But longed to be complete..
    Not at all like her sister,
    Who expressed her love in different ways.
    Martha’s was busy, hustle and bustle praise.

    Lord, You know that when You call us,
    We are not qualified;
    Often unsure and fearful inside.
    How You thoroughly equip us
    For every good work You give.
    Stripping away what we think makes us live.

    We are not alone,
    But members of Your body;
    Redeemed to glorify Your Name together!
    We come before Your throne
    Praying on bended knee
    Praising You eternally!

    With the devotion of Mary,
    Who loved to sit at Your feet.
    She was not worried, or wary,
    But longed to be complete..
    Not at all like her sister,
    Who expressed her love in different ways.
    Martha’s was hustle and bustle;
    Draining and tension tussle;
    Mary’s was beauty, intimate love and praise.

    John Garrett – 11 July, Based on Luke 10:38-42.

  5. Margaret Parkins

    Words which came to me this week.
    John 6:66-68
    66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
    67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.
    68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

    • Keeva

      I read this today and wanted to share:

      May you grow in your capacity to quickly tune out the world’s noise and tune into the voice of Your Heavenly Father. May His presence be your greatest treasure, and His promises, your greatest security. May you develop the ability to turn from discouragement to courage in a matter of moments. May you learn how to go after peace until it rules and reigns in your heart. May God give you divine and powerful strategy to live your life in these uncertain times. May you have the grit and grace to stay encouraged, steward your perspective, and stand fiercely on the promises of God. You can do this. #SusieLarsonBlessings

      Psalm 18:32-36 (NLT) ~ God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.

  6. Kevin Johnson

    Reflections from 27/2 prayers:
    – Psalm 23 reminds us of our dependence on God and on friends; we can know His presence no matter what.
    – It is a privilege to be able to pray so freely.
    – Help us Lord to ‘tarry a while’.
    – Deut 1-2 reminds us that even if we can’t see the path, God has gone before us.
    – Hebrews reminds us that Jesus is the anchor-shape on the cross that brings us hope.
    – Is 40:31 – God is working to grow new feathers on us and we will be able to fly free again.

  7. Margaret Parkins

    Last night I did need a torch to look for something and thought of your comment again, telling us that to look for God we need no torch.

  8. Margaret Parkins

    Just so helpful to be reminded to STOP and REST for an extra few minutes each day.
    I have also found another set of readings which include a lovely picture, as I see the picture again later I remember the portion of scripture I have read.

  9. Kevin Johnson Author

    During prayers, I had a picture of a dark space with someone using a torch light to search the darkness. I had a sense of God saying: you don’t need to search, I am here.

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