I have been a member of the CHBC family my whole life. I was dedicated in 1989, and then baptised here in 2007. I was married to Joey here in September 2020, during Covid, and we celebrated our Wedding Blessing and had our proper Reception on our first Anniversary weekend in 2021!
I am currently working as a 1.1 Teaching Assistant at a local Primary School, where I support a child with complex needs. I am a BSL signer, and enjoy signing as we sing in church. I am a Beaver Leader in Scouting, and a qualified Christian Youth Worker. I have a BA Hons Degree in Early Years Care and Education.
I have a heart for children and young people and have served both over the last 13 years at several local churches. I am keen to ensure the voice of our young people, young adults and those we serve through our outreach work is heard. I wholeheartedly support the mission of being a Beacon of Hope for Christ in the Community.
Amongst the things which are important to me as a Christian are inclusion, empathy and empowering young and old alike within their faith journey. Through my training with Youth For Christ, I am committed to “Taking the Good News relevantly to every young person in Britain” – starting here at my home church.