Tearfund Quiz

Tearfund Quiz

An evening of epic fun for an amazing cause. A simple quiz to raise money and help end extreme poverty!

Sign up below as an individual or enter a team with friends, family, neighbours or even your house group. It really is a quiz with refreshments at half time — no hidden Christian agenda other than raising money for this Christian charity and having fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the quiz night for? Everyone!  It’s a family-friendly event with some questions aimed specifically for younger participants.

Can I come if I am not part of a team? Yes!  There will be others in a similar position, so we’ll create or add people to teams so we have an average of 6 in each.

What is Tearfund? It’s a christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. With our support, they tackle poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters, and challenging injustice. Tearfund believes an end to extreme poverty is possible and YOU can be a part of this.

What will happen on the evening? The quiz will be divided into 2 halves with a meal served in the middle.  Hot and cold drinks will be available. There will also be a ‘silent auction’ for cakes that our young people have made.

How much does it cost? We ask for a contribution of £5 (adult) / £3 (child) towards the cost of the event. On the evening there will be an opportunity to give more if you wish.

Where can I park? For parking information, click here.

Sign Up

You have the opportunity to make real and lasting change in countries like South Sudan. For the money we raise will go to help local churches (around the world) lead their communities out of extreme poverty and into a sustainable future using our Transforming Communities programme.