Find below some resources to help you make the best use of Lent. Use these links to find what you’re looking for. We hope something is helpful.
- What is Lent? — find out more
- Pause and Pray — find out more
- Book Club — find out more
- Lent Reflections — to share your thoughts, click here to go to this page
- Dates in Lent — quick link
- Creative worship for all (inc songs) — ideas here
What is lent?
Here is a 1 minute video from the Church of England explaining about Lent.

During Lent you’re invited to join others at CHBC by committing to intentionally Pause and Pray each Tuesday. For those already following a Lent pattern, this could just fold into your plan; for others who are unsure, why not give this a go this year?
Now we know this will not be easy or convenient for some, but Lent invites us to imitate Jesus more closely, by carving out time — swapping out one thing to make room for another — to find ways to prioritise our UP life with Father God. Here’s some ideas to help you:
When could I fit in prayer?
- Wake up ten minutes early.
- As you travel to and from school / work / a shopping trip.
- Pause for five minutes before you get out the car / after leaving the bus.
- Each time the kettle boils for a hot drink, and as you drink it.
- Intentionally go for a (short) walk or find a quiet place to sit.
- Pause before going to sleep.
Here are some suggestions—for those who find it hard…:
- to know how to pray: use our weekly prayer (coming via email)
- to find time: say a prayer, or the Lord’s Prayer, whilst washing your hands / taking a shower / when you’d normally be on social media
- With family: involve them using dice prayers / prayer dippers (see below) / discuss a verse over food and offer a simple prayer / use an all-age worship song (see below) and offer a prayer in response
—for those who are creative
- If you enjoy singing: let the lyrics of a worship song shape your prayer
- If you you like writing: journal a prayer / create a psalm of praise
- If you’re arty: pray as you create something based on a Bible verse (over time) / buy a colouring devotional and pray as you decorate the verse
- If you want to dig deeper: join our book club (see below)
God invites his church to do things together—so we’d encourage you to try and make time to Pause and Pray every Tuesday. If you’re free do join us for a short time of prayer at CHBC at 12.30pm and/or on Zoom at 8pm. The book club discussion will follow both of these meetings.
Book Club
Reading together — The Merciful Humility of God (Jane Williams)

In this book, Jane invites us to explore how God works for our salvation in ways that are gentle and subtle, so much so that it’s easy to overlook their power and their force. St Augustine’s insight was that it is only the merciful humility of God that could penetrate our armoured pride. As we follow this book through Lent and through the biblical narrative, what begins to emerge is that God’s merciful humility is the source of life.
What do I need to do?
Order a copy of this book (available in paperback, e-book and second hand—some starter links below; you could also consider asking Warwick Books or similar to order it in for you). Follow the reading plan below and either join us each Tuesday (as you’re able) to discuss this in small groups after prayers (1pm at CHBC; 8.30pm on Zoom). You can also offer thoughts using our online reflective page:
- Book (ISBN 9781472954817):
- Eden Christian Bookshop
- Blackwell’s, Oxford
- Amazon – good for other second hand stores
- E-book:
- Audio: I have not found an audiobook version online. If you do, please let me know where it is and I can share with others.
If you’d like to join in and this is too expensive, or you need help ordering, please get in touch with Kevin or one of the prayer team.
Week 1 (05-11): Introduce & Chapter 1: River and wilderness; Prayers: Tue 11/03
Week 2 (12-18): Chapters 2: Humble beginnings; Prayers: Tue 18/03
Week 3 (19-25): Chapter 3: How to win friends and influence nobody; Prayers: Tue 25/03
Week 4 (26-01): Chapter 4: Reigning from the tree; Prayers: Tue 01/04
Week 5 (02-08): Chapter 5: Risen and ascended into humility; Prayers: Tue 08/04
Week 6 (09-15): Conclusion: The merciful humility of God; Prayers: Tue 15/04
Holy Week
Thu 17th, 7.00pm, Agape Meal with simple service & communion (sign up needed)
Fri 18th, 10.30am, Reflective worship, CHBC
Fri 18th, 11.45am, CTW Walk of witness (from CHBC)
Fri 18th, 12.15pm, Churches Together Service, Market Place, Warwick
Sun 20th, 10.30am, Easter Sunday Celebration, CHBC
Creative Worship For All
Whilst the bottom two downloads are designed for each day in Holy Week, you could always take each day and spread the idea out over each Week during Lent (Monday = Week 1).
Dice prayers involve:
a) create a list together of six areas for prayer (like rainbow prayers below)
b) someone roll the dice
c) chat about some ideas
d) someone offer a simple prayer
e) repeat as many times as you have time / engagement
ALL AGE Worship SongS – To get you started…
Every Move I Make:
Good News: