Thrive Manifesto

Thrive Manifesto

As we think about developing our work amongst young people (aged 11+), we are now in the RECEE stage of the process—gathering info to help inform our thinking and we need your help!

The coordinating group would love your help in answering the following two-part question (by posting below or speaking to us):

  1. Where do you see young people gathering (inc the time and day)? eg Lots on Myton Rd, 8-8.40am / 3.45pm / 5pm, Mon-Fri
  2. What are they doing when they gather? eg Going to/returning from school

In answering the above, be aware of those around you when you’re walking, driving, socialising… you may be surprised what you’ve missed! Please include info on both those you know (friends and family) and those you don’t. Finally, don’t guess, just tell us what you know.

Information will also be collated on Sundays (from 16th July), so if online isn’t your thing please feedback to: Helen Wylie, Keira Howden, Lindsey Selley, Sarah Colliver, Sarah Poole or Kevin Johnson.


  1. Margaret Parkins

    Alan S discussed this with the homegroup this week and he is sending the thinking to you as from the group

  2. Kathy Hewitt

    YP on Myton Rd 8.00 – 9.00am, 3.15 – 4pm, term time. Also in St Nics park at the above times and in the evenings when the weather is good, jumping into the river from the bridge. Skate park in Victoria Park, on river bank playing field near the Princes Dr bridge. Some YP on the basket ball court, Myton Green. Have been told they hang around the underpass to railway st from Priory Park but not personally seen this.

  3. Joy Johnson

    At 8.30-8.45am (earlier for high school age) on weekdays, I see children going to school either walking, on bikes/scooters, getting on/off buses or getting in an out of cars.

    I see primary aged children outside Woodloes Primary School going to the shops/park around 5pm when I collect our children from after school club. They are often on bikes in groups socialising and chatting/using mobile phones.

    I also see other children at/being collected from the after school club when I collect at 5pm or going to other clubs at the school/community centre such as karate or swimming. On Mondays, I see lots of children at 4-5pm at St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre going to swimming lessons or waiting for siblings who are having lessons. I then see large groups of children on Monday and Tuesday evenings at Beavers and Cubs. Siblings often come with parents to drop off/collect.

    Sometimes I see teenagers gathering at the park on Twycross Walk if we go there at the weekends. They are usually sitting on/using the play equipment, chatting, laughing, eating and using mobile phones.

    On Sunday mornings I see children and young people at Castle Hill – in the service and learning about Jesus and having fun in their groups.

    • Elaine Randall

      During term time there are large groups of youngsters from Warwick School around St John’s buying linch

  4. Lindsey Selley

    St Nic’s Park, daily during weekends and holidays, until late evening. Eg. Sitting in groups/couples on the grass; jumping off Kingfisher pond bridge.
    Late evenings: in the shelter near Banbury Rd entrance (Message Bus could park in this entrance?).
    Also Priory Park, in the wooded thicket adjacent to Kingfusher Pools, late afternoon to nightfall, picnicking, drinking, smoking.

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